If we look at the stars in the night sky, we will notice time and time again particularly bright and colorful stars, which over time change their position in relation to the other stars. These are the so-called wandering stars, the planets of our solar system. We may experience that the planets follow different laws to the other stars. In this course we want to look at the planets in a new way. We will change the perspective and observe the movement interval of two planets. This method, known as planet-movement-pictures, shows us the beauty and variety of the planetary movements in our solar system. The pictures also show us how the position adopted, heliocentric or geocentric, determines the forms thus created.
As well as a systematic derivation for the creation of planet-movement-pictures, we will consider the historical development of astronomy and the images of the worlds defined by this.
Eurythmy, which is the movement art founded by Rudolf Steiner, offers another way of gaining access to planete-movement-pictures. For we can put into motion the paths and shapes revealed in the pictures ourselves. By doing this we encounter, for example, rhythmic and dynamic phenomena through the loops that appear everywhere.
The individual characteristics of the planets is most obvious in the interval between the paths of two planets, in a similar way to music, where the musicality is found between the notes. If we move following the relationship between the paths of two planets, we can start to experience the forces exerted between the planetary movements.
The mathematical-astronomical perspective is thus extended and brought to life, we submerge ourselves into a deeper experience of heavenly phenomena.
The course is suitable for anyone interested in the planete-movement-pictures, no particular previous knowledge, even of eurythmy, is expected.
Kursleiter: Dr. Ralf Tita, Michael Hailer